Frequently Asked Questions
For your convenience, we have compiled a list of answers to our most asked questions. If you don’t find what you need here, please feel free to reach out through our Contact page.
Hybrid schooling is a form of education that falls under the homeschool umbrella, as parents are required to teach their child from home with the guidance of certified teachers.
With this approach, students attend school in a classroom setting for part of the week and learn from home (or a coffee shop or the local park) on the other days of the week.
Families who “hybrid school” often say it is the best of both worlds. They enjoy the benefits of giving their children a classroom experience – and all the good things that a traditional school setting offers – with the freedom, flexibility, and individualization that homeschooling provides.
PEAK Christian Academy is a hybrid school program located in Abilene, TX. We are not a homeschool co-op, but a collaborative community of parents, students, and teachers who come from various walks of life, but share similar philosophies on education, faith, and childhood.
PEAK is a Christ-centered community that forges character, fosters wisdom, and nurtures a lifelong passion for learning.
Tuition varies depending on which classes are taken. See our About page for specific information. We offer various payment plan options so you can choose the one that best suits your family.
There are other fees associated with our application and enrollment processes, which are outlined on our About page in more detail.
Unfortunately, we do not offer financial aid or reduced tuition at this time, but it is something we hope to offer in the future.
We meet at 4515 South 14th Street. We rent this space from Westminster Presbytarian and are not affiliated with any specific church.
PEAK high school students are on campus 2-3 days a week – Tuesday and Thursday with an optional Wednesday for electives. Students work through their online learning at home on Monday and Friday. On-campus days begin at 9:00 AM and dismiss at 3 PM.
PEAK uses Ignitia online curriculum. This curriculum is guided and monitored by our on campus teachers.
Yes! PEAK is excited to partner with McMurry University and TEL Education to offer a variety of dual credit courses. See our curriculum page for more information.
We affirm the parent’s role as the primary influencer in a child’s education, and it is our joy and privilege, as teachers, to come alongside each family on their journey to guide and support them.
Students will have constant access to their grades. Each semester, comprehensive grading reports will be given and reviewed with each student.
We are not associated with any specific denomination. However, our faith the basis for all of our learning. At PEAK, high school students take a Bible class. The focus of this class changes each year. See our curriculum page for more information.
Yes, we do! We are the Trailblazers.
Because PEAK High School operates differently than our lower grades, a separate application must be filled out for high school students.
After reading our About page and our Curriculum page, click HERE to apply.